Any leader must know that a decision to deploy them will sacrifice sovereign immunity and result in many in the world accepting nothing less than ousting and arrest. 每个国家的领导人都必须认识到,使用这类武器的决定将会以失去主权豁免为代价,并导致他们在多数世人眼里必须下台或被捕的后果。
Sovereign immunity follows the logic of sovereignty. 主权豁免权是主权的必然产物。
FG Hemisphere argued Congo should not enjoy full sovereign immunity in Hong Kong, a former British colony with a common law heritage. FGHemisphere主张,刚果不应在香港享受绝对主权豁免权。香港是前英国殖民地,承袭普通法传统。
Defendant waived sovereign immunity from this action by statute. 被告于此件诉讼中,依法已经放弃国家赋予的主权豁免权。
If, however, the common law notion of restrictive sovereign immunity applied, Congo could be held liable for damages in the context of a commercial dispute. 如果普通法中的限制性豁免权概念适用于此案,而此案被认定具有商业性质,刚果则可能负有损害赔偿责任。
U.S Foreign Sovereign Immunities Law: Developments& Impacts; jurisdictional immunity of foreign heads of states 美国国家豁免法的新发展及其对中国的影响外国国家元首的司法管辖豁免
The legal doctrine of sovereign immunity extends to foreign sovereigns. 主权豁免权这一法律原则也适用于外国最高统治者。
Until now, public universities have reveled in the sovereign immunity they enjoy under the Eleventh Amendment. 到现在为止,公立大学的主权豁免权沉醉于他们在第十一届修订享受。
But this is an unlikely scenario: the case of Argentina showed that sovereign immunity to prosecution is strong enough to prevent most claims. 但这种情形不太可能出现:阿根廷的情况表明,对起诉的主权豁免足以阻止大多数的索赔请求。
The first section tells the definition, contents as well as the theoretical basis of the state sovereign immunity. 共分为两节:第一节是关于国家主权豁免的含义、内容及其根据;
The Theory of Restrictive State Sovereign Immunity 论国家主权的有限豁免
Chapter one is an induction of the principle of state sovereign immunity. 第一部分为国家主权豁免原则概说;
The basic concept and its rationales of the act of state doctrine partly account for the intimate relationship and fundamental deference between it and the theory of sovereign immunity. 国家行为原则的基本内涵和理论基础决定了它与主权豁免理论既存在密切联系,又存在本质区别。
Chapter two is about the theoretical basis of the theory of restrictive state sovereign immunity. 第二部分为国家主权有限豁免的理论依据;
With the development of the practice of judicial, The executive authorities of this "sovereign immunity" privilege can no longer guarantee the legitimate exercise of public power, civil rights were willfully damaged. 随着司法实践的发展,行政机关的这种主权豁免特权已不能保证公权力的合法行使,公民权受到恣意的损害。
The theory of state sovereign immunity mainly has two systems, they are named as national sovereignty absolute immunity principle and the principle of national sovereignty restrictive immunity respectively. 国家主权豁免主要有两大理论体系,即国家主权绝对豁免原则和国家主权限制豁免原则。
Jurisdictional immunity of states is a component of sovereign immunity and it means that the actions and properties of a state are immune from the jurisdiction of the courts of foreign states. 国家管辖豁免是国家主权豁免的一个方面,是指一个国家的行为及其财产免受外国法院的司法管辖。
After the introduction of features and classification of SWF, the legal relationship of SWF is discussed detailed, and the risk of Sovereign Immunity is pointed out. 在介绍主权财富基金特征和分类之后,对主权财富基金的法律关系进行了重点讨论,并指出了其中的主权豁免风险。
With the waning of the sovereign immunity and the movement for civil rights, the liability for compensation for judicial torts was accepted by many countries in the last years of 19th century. 19世纪末叶,随着国家主权豁免理论的衰败与权利运动的兴起,司法赔偿责任得到许多国家的承认。
The principle of sovereign is no longer absolute, so the state acts are not fully protected by the sovereign immunity. 国家主权原则从绝对走向相对,国家行为不再完全豁免。
Sovereign state engaged in a commercial nature, acts as a private principal, while we are willing to resolve the dispute arbitration agreement signed with the private actors, on the other hand, we advocate absolute immunity in the enforcement of arbitral awards, it seems counterintuitive. 当主权国家以私性主体身份从事商业性质活动时,我们一方面愿意与私人主体签订仲裁协议以解决争议,另一方面又在仲裁裁决执行时主张绝对豁免,似乎有悖常理。